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This quickstart guide will help you to get started with the django-semantic-search library. It will guide you through the installation process, the configuration of the vector search engine and the embedding model, and the definition of documents for the selected model.

Assuming you already have a Django project set up, let's get started.

The django-semantic-search library can be installed via your favorite package manager. For example, using pip:

pip install django-semantic-search

The default installation does not include any vector search engine or embedding model, so you typically have to install the package with the desired support. For example, to install the package with Qdrant and Sentence Transformers support, you can run:

pip install django-semantic-search[qdrant,sentence-transformers]

2. Modify the Django settings

Add the library to the INSTALLED_APPS list in the file of your project:
    ...,  # external apps, such as Django Rest Framework
    ...,  # your custom apps, using django-semantic-search

3. Choose the vector search engine and the embedding model

Do not close the file yet. You need to configure the vector search engine and the embedding model. Add the SEMANTIC_SEARCH dictionary to the file of the project, with the desired configuration. Here is an example of the configuration:
    # Vector store is a backend that stores the vectors and provides the search functionality.
    "vector_store": {
        # Either the path to the backend class or the class itself
        "backend": "django_semantic_search.backends.qdrant.QdrantBackend",
        # Configuration is passed directly to the backend class during initialization.
        "configuration": {
            "location": "http://localhost:6333",
    # Default embeddings are used to generate the embeddings for the documents if no embeddings are provided.
    # For the time being, there is no way to provide embeddings for the documents, so the default embeddings
    # are used for all the documents.
    "default_embeddings": {
        # Either the path to the embeddings model class or the class itself
        "model": "django_semantic_search.embeddings.SentenceTransformerModel",
        # Configuration is passed directly to the embeddings model class during initialization.
        "configuration": {
            "model_name": "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2",

We defined the Qdrant vector search engine and the all-MiniLM-L6-v2 embedding model. You can choose other models from the Sentence Transformers library, for the time being.

4. Create a model class (skip if you already have one)

Our example will use a simple model class, Book, with the title, author, and description fields. Here is the model definition:

from django.db import models

class Book(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    author = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    description = models.TextField()

A newly created model means we need to create a migration and apply it to the database:

python makemigrations
python migrate

5. Define document class for the selected model

Once the model is defined, you need to create a document class that inherits from django_semantic_search.Document.

Assuming we have a Book model with the title, author, and description fields, here is an example of a document class for the Book model, with the title and description fields defined as searchable. Please do not forget to use the register_document decorator to register the document class with the library.

from django_semantic_search import Document, VectorIndex, register_document
from books.models import Book

class BookDocument(Document):
    class Meta:
        model = Book
        indexes = [

Currently, only single fields can be used for the vector index.

The decorator register_document takes care of creating the signals for the model, so all the created/updated/deleted instances of the model will be automatically indexed in the vector search engine.

6. Create and store the instances of the model

From now on, whenever you create or update an instance of the Book model, the instance will be automatically indexed in the vector search engine. Here is an example of creating a new instance of the Book model:

from books.models import Book

def create_book(request):
    book = Book.objects.create(
        title="The Lord of the Rings",
        author="J.R.R. Tolkien",
        description="The Lord of the Rings is an epic high-fantasy novel by the English author and scholar J. R. R. Tolkien."
    return book

The create_book function creates a new instance of the Book model with the title, author, and description fields filled in. The instance is then returned. Under the hood, a corresponding document is created and indexed in the vector search engine. It ignores the author field, as it is not defined as a searchable field in the BookDocument class.

7. Search for the instances of the model

The BookDocument class serves as a bridge between the Django model and the vector search engine. You can use the search method to find the most relevant instances of the model. Here is an example of searching for the instances of the Book model:

from books.documents import BookDocument

results =

We specifically chose the title field to search for the instances of the Book model. The search method returns a queryset of the most relevant instances of the model, based on the search query. Alternatively, you can search for the instances using the description field:

results =

Currently, only a single field can be used for the search query, but we plan to extend this functionality in the future.


This tutorial covers the happy path of using the django-semantic-search library. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, feel free to create an issue in the project's repository. Please make sure to check the list of Frequency Asked Questions before creating a new issue.