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Bringing semantic search to Django. Integrates seamlessly with Django ORM.

Django built-in search capabilities are rather limited. Finding a relevant instance of a model relies on the relational database's search capabilities, like SQL LIKE queries. This is not ideal for high-quality search results. This library aims to provide a semantic search capability to Django, allowing for more relevant search results. All this is done in a Django-friendly way, integrating with Django ORM.

The library does not aim to provide all the features of search engines, but rather to provide a simple way to integrate Django applications with semantic search capabilities, using existing vector search engines, a.k.a. vector databases, and embedding models.


The django-semantic-search library can be installed via your favorite package manager. For example, using pip:

pip install django-semantic-search

The current version is still experimental, and the API may change in the future.

Supported tools

django-semantic-search has to cooperate with other tools to provide semantic search capabilities. You have to choose a vector search engine and an embedding model to use with the library, and configure them in the Django settings.

Vector search engines

The library supports the following vector search engines:

If you would like to contribute support for another vector search engine, feel free to create a pull request.

Embedding models

Choosing the right embedding model is crucial for the quality of the search results. The current version of the library focuses on bringing the semantic search capabilities to Django, and provides just a single integration with the vector embedding models:

In web-based applications, it makes a lot of sense to choose an external service for the embedding model, as it can be resource-intensive. Please do expect that the library will support more embedding models in the future, and will provide a way to integrate them with Django.

Again, if you would like to contribute support for another embedding model, feel free to create a pull request.


As with any Django application, you need to add the library to the INSTALLED_APPS list in the file of your project:
    ...,  # external apps, such as Django Rest Framework
    ...,  # your custom apps, using django-semantic-search

All the library configuration is also done in the file of the project, via the SEMANTIC_SEARCH dictionary. Here is a full example of the configuration:
    # Vector store is a backend that stores the vectors and provides the search functionality.
    "vector_store": {
        # Either the path to the backend class or the class itself
        "backend": "django_semantic_search.backends.qdrant.QdrantBackend",
        # Configuration is passed directly to the backend class during initialization.
        "configuration": {
            "location": "http://localhost:6333",
    # Default embeddings are used to generate the embeddings for the documents if no embeddings are provided.
    # For the time being, there is no way to provide embeddings for the documents, so the default embeddings
    # are used for all the documents.
    "default_embeddings": {
        # Either the path to the embeddings model class or the class itself
        "model": "django_semantic_search.embeddings.SentenceTransformerModel",
        # Configuration is passed directly to the embeddings model class during initialization.
        "configuration": {
            "model_name": "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2",


If you would like to be guided step-by-step through the installation and configuration process, please refer to the Quickstart guide.


If you prefer going straight to the code, you can check the examples folder. In the future it will contain more examples of how to use the library, but for the time being, it contains just a simple Django project with a single app that demonstrates how to use the library.

Simple Django App

The examples folder contains a minimal Django simple_django_app project using the django-semantic-search library. It shows how to configure semantic search in a Django project. The application defines a simple model and a document class for it, and demonstrates how to search for instances of the model using the library.


By default, the simple_django_app project uses the Qdrant vector search engine and the all-MiniLM-L6-v2 Sentence Transformers model. You have to install the django-semantic-search library with the qdrant and sentence-transformers extras to run the project. The dependencies might be installed from the requirements file:

pip install -r examples/simple_django_app/requirements.txt

The default configuration assumes that the Qdrant service is running on localhost:6333. Please refer to the Qdrant documentation on how to set up the service.